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Results 21-30 of 45 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).
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Issue DateProgrammeTypeCourse Code(s)Language(s)Author(s)Note
2017Bachelor of Management Studies HonoursLevel 5MCU3205; Research MethodologyenManagement StudiesAssignment Test
2017Bachelor of Management Studies HonoursLevel 5MCU3205; Research MethodologyenManagement StudiesFinal Examination
2018Bachelor of Management Studies HonoursLevel 6MCU3205; MSU5505; Research MethodologyenManagement StudiesFinal Examination
2019Bachelor of Management Studies HonoursLevel 5MCU3205; MSU5505; Research MethodologyenManagement StudiesFinal Examination
2020LL.M in Criminal Justice AdministrationLLMLLPA312; Research MethodologyenHumanities and Social SciencesFinal Examination
2019LL.M in Criminal Justice AdministrationLLMLLPA312; Research MethodologyenHumanities and Social SciencesFinal Examination
2021Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Sciences HonoursLevel 5MDU5308; Research MethodologyenHealth ScienceFinal Examination(Semester I)
2020Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Sciences HonoursLevel 5MDU5308; Research MethodologyenHealth ScienceNBT I
2015Bachelor of Science Honours in NursingLevel 5NSU4101; NSU3107; MLU3146; Research in Nursing; Research MethodologyenHealth ScienceFinal Examination(Sem I)
2015Bachelor of Science Honours in NursingLevel 5NSU4101; NSU3107; MLU3146; Research in Nursing; Research MethodologyenHealth ScienceCAT I